Tuesday, November 25, 2008

37 Weeks...He's still in there!

Just another updated. Tyler is still in the womb despite efforts to 'sing' him out on Sunday night. I have progressed a tiny bit and he is definitely in position....but he's still in there. I was a little disappointed at my Midwife visit yesterday. I don't think it was so much that I'm not progressing as much as I hoped, but that I found out that my midwife might not be there to deliver Tyler. Now, you have to know that this happens to me EVERY TIME! With Caleb I delivered in a hospital where you never know who you are going to get to deliver your baby. Well, my midwife started me off, but she's not the one who delivered him. Fast forward to Julia, I had the same midwife as I did with Caleb, but I was to deliver at a birthing center. So, here I am thinking...wow, private practice, I get who I go to for delivery. WRONG! My midwife has double knee replacement surgery and isn't there for my delivery.....which is ok because I met Jean and she delivered Julia. So, Jean is my midwife now and has spent this year really getting into shape and is training for a triathlon. Way cool! So at my last appointment I noticed that she was a little stiff and she said that her bike had thrown her and she hurt her shoulder. Betty, whom I saw yesterday, tells me that she is still very much in pain and that she is supposed to see a dr today about it. Oh I hope that she gets better soon!
Just ranting now, but we're really doing ok. I'm walking like a mad woman and I'm trying to get my work done before this baby gets here. The unpredictablilty of it all, I guess, just drives me nuts!

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