Friday, August 8, 2008


MMMMM....just had me some peanut butter and banana! I didn't realize how popular this was until I plugged it in to look for some pictures. I have always loved peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I don't make them like the picture, though. I mash it all together, then put it on the bread. It helps keep the bananas from sliding out. My kids haven't actually hopped on the pb&b boat yet. Julia loves peanut butter and jelly, but Caleb would rather have turkey. Weird, I know. He just doesn't like peanut butter very much.
Another peanut butter snack that I like is pb and granny smith apples. It has to be with granny smith, though. I don't like the bland tasting apples. They just don't taste right to me.
Back to work for me.

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